Book Tour Events

The launch of This Old Canoe: How To Restore Your Wood-Canvas Canoe will be celebrated in a variety of ways.  There will be reviews posted online by prominent bloggers.  There will also be reviews published in a couple of print magazines.  I will be interviewed on CBC Radio.

However, the thing I am looking forward to the most is my book tour.  It will begin in April and continue through the summer into the fall. Each event will feature a presentation where I will be talking about wooden canoes and their influence on our lives.

The first presentation is titled O Ca-na-noe: Canoes and the role they play in the development of the Canadian identity.  It examines the role of canoes in Canadian history and the influence canoes have had on the way Canadians operate in the world.  It also looks at the influence of the canoe on Canadian art as well as the canoe as part of the family identity.

The second presentation is called Canoe Connections: Wooden Canoes and their people — the ties that bind them and the restorations that bring them back together again.  In this talk, I discuss the way I approach the business of canoe restoration.  I focus on stories about the importance of wooden canoes in the lives of individuals, families and communities.

Here is a schedule of up-coming events:

* September 15-18 in Manning Provincial Park, BC for the Northwest Chapter WCHA Fall Meet – presenting O Ca-na-noe

If you would like me to give a presentation in your area, approach your local library, museum or canoe association and make arrangements.  Then, contact me to work the event into my travel plans.  I can prepare a poster for the event and send a PDF file for you to print and display.